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Thursday, December 23, 2010

"And two thumbs WAY up for our leading actress" -Hades, God of the Underworld

PS: I got this VERY cool thumbs up picture from the following website:
         Once upon a time in a land not so far away there was a king who liked to hunt wild beasts in the forest. One day, he took his servant hunting to look for beasts when all of a sudden out of nowhere a particularly large one jumps out at the king and his servant and before the king could kill it, the beast bit off the king's thumb. This made the king angry and frustrated and, not to mention, quite pissed off.
        "How could this happen?! What am I supposed to do with only one thumb?"
        And the servant, who happened to be very wise, considering his station, told the king, "Don't you worry about a thing, King. Everything will work out. The Lord knows best."
        Feeling that the servant wasn't the least bit interested in validating the king's feelings, the king became even more angry and ended up throwing the servant into the dungeons (after he made the servant carry the giant wild beast home for him, of course).
        The next year, the king went hunting again. This time he had the unfortunate opportunity to be captured by cannibals who wanted to sacrifice him to their gods and then eat him. Fortunately for the king, the cannibals had a whole-person-sacrifice-only policy and were unable to use the king to satisfy the appetite of their gods because of his lack of a thumb, so they sent him home. The king was so excited that he immediately released the servant from the dungeons and begged for forgiveness.
         "I can't believe it!" the King told the servant, "You were right! The Lord DOES know best! They were going to kill me and eat me, but I didn't have my thumb and that saved me! I am so sorry that I was angry with you and threw you in the dungeons."
         The servant said, "Don't you worry about a thing, King. The Lord knows best."
         Shocked, the king replied, "How on earth can you stand there and act like everything's fine when you just spent a year locked up in the dungeon with the rats and the cold and the gross food and not enough water all because of me?"
         The servant smiled his unshaven smile and said, "well, if you had not thrown me into the dungeon, I'd be out hunting with you today." Then the servant gave the king two thumbs up, "And I have both my thumbs!"

It's crazy the things you learn when you're actually listening to the talks in Sacrament Meeting.  :)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thought of You

I LOVE this video! The song is great, and the animation is SO beautiful. It speaks to my heart. It's just.... so moving to me! I know I posted it on my Facebook page, but I just REALLY like it, and want to be able to find it when I want to. Mostly, I love it so much, I just want to share it! So enjoy! <3

Thought of You from Ryan J Woodward on Vimeo.